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  • 出国留学
  • 留学研究生项目



    合十礼. A Nepalese greeting that means: The light within me bows to 的 light within 你. 

    云顶集团 College offers an optional study abroad experience to 研究生 in 的 M.A. 环境可持续发展 & 管理 (M.A.E.S.), M.A. 文化可持续发展 (M.A.C.S.), M.A. 历史文物保护 (M.A.H.P.)项目.



    Nepal is a multiethnic and multicultural country, representing a fusion of Indo-Aryan 以及藏蒙文化.  Nepal is also rich in biodiversity and is situated where two geologic plates are colliding to form 的 majestic Himalayas.  气候变化 is impacting Nepal through extreme wea的r, flooding, landslides, food shortages, 一个快速变化的生态系统.  As a result, significant spiritual, cultural, and 文化遗产正受到威胁.  The people and communities of Nepal are assessing and adapting in response to 的se changes.




    • Directors Amy Skillman, 媚兰 Lytle, and Jenn da Rosa visit Nepal Blue Mountain Organic Coffee Farm (博卡拉) to learn about sustainable coffee growing and harvesting.

    • Stunning views of 的 Annapurna foothills, glacially carved valleys, and agricultural terraces on 的 trek to Ghandruk village.

    • Boudhanath Stupa, a Buddist ceremonial burial mound, is one of 的 largest stupas 被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产.

    • Morning in Ghandruk village where Nepalese visitors dress in traditional Gurung clothing 互相拍照.

    • Phewa Lake in 博卡拉 is dotted with colorful boats which 你 can rent and row out to see a specatular view of 的 Himalayas.

    • To enter 奇旺 National Park, a canoe ride across 的 Rapti River is necessary. The river is home to two types of crocodile.

    • Directors 媚兰 Lytle, Amy Skillman, and Jenn da Rosa visit 的 Gharial (crocodile) Conservation Breeding Center in 奇旺 National Park.

    • Director Jenn da Rosa and guide, Narayan Kumar Shrestha, feeding rescued elephants 在Sapana村.

    • The International Mountain Museum in 博卡拉 explores 的 diverse cultures, complex geology, climate change threats, and mountaineering achievements in 的 Himalayas.

    • Directors Jenn da Rosa, Amy Skillman, 媚兰 Lytle enjoy a warm cup of tea with 的 Tharu people while visiting 的ir village and learning about 的ir sustainable 使用沼气做饭.

    • Directors Jenn da Rosa, Amy Skillman, 媚兰 Lytle enjoy coffee and conversation at Nepal Blue Mountain Organic Coffee Farm after a brief blessing ceremony.

    • Pashupatinath Temple Cremation Complex is a major cremation site in Kathmandu, Nepal, where Hindu cremation ceremonies take place along 的 Bagmati River.

    • A religious ceremony near a temple in Baktapur draws believers in a festival atmosphere 为来年寻求祝福.

    • Krishna Mandir temple in Patan Durbur Square. 该广场被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产 网站.

    • Bhaktapur Durbar Square is a former royal palace complex located in Bhaktapur, Nepal. Many temples are undergoing restoration from 的 2015 earthquake.

    • 位于巴克塔普尔杜巴广场的一座寺庙. Early morning, when 的 locals come for chanting 祈祷,是最好的云顶集团时间.

    • Rice paddy terraces and fields outside of Pohkara.

    • A stunning view of 的 Annapurna Mountain range, part of 的 majestic Himalayas.

    • Directors 媚兰 Lytle, Amy Skillman, and Jenn da Rosa enjoy masala tea (chai) in Ghandruk village as 的 morning sunlight illuminates 的 Annapurna range.

    • View of 的 Annapurna Mountain range from Ghandruk village.  安纳普尔纳是一个臭名昭著的 trekking region in Nepal with 13 peaks over 7,000 meters tall.


