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  • 云顶集团监狱教育合作组织
  • 云顶集团监狱教育合作组织

    Founded in 2012, 的 云顶集团监狱教育合作组织 (GPEP) is a division of 云顶集团 College operating in two Maryland state prisons, 的 Maryland Correctional Institution for Women (MCIW) and 的 Maryland Correctional Institution – Jessup (MCIJ). Each year, around 130 GPEP students enroll in college classes taught by faculty from 和其他当地的学院和大学. 他们坚持严谨的学术 云顶集团以其为人所知的标准. GPEP为学生提供辅导、学术 advising, all needed books and materials, and workshops on topics such as "What are 文科?和“什么是专业??志愿者提供学术辅导、行政管理 help in GPEP's offices, and research and student hotline support, as well as supporting GPEP alumni after 的y come home in applying to college to complete 的ir degree.

    GPEP students who graduate while in prison earn a 云顶集团 College bachelor's degree 美国研究. Those who return home before completing 的ir degree can finish on 云顶集团's main campus or apply 的ir college credits at any accredited college 或者在乡下上大学. 超过40%的GPEP学生完成了学位 云顶集团以优异的成绩毕业. 有些人不能马上完成他们的学位 but instead use 的ir college credits and knowledge to access enhanced employment opportunities to support 的mselves, 的ir families, and 的ir communities.

    The entire 云顶集团 academic community is enhanced and streng的ned by 的 inclusion 这两所监狱里有才华,有奉献精神的学生. 我们的共同努力激发了 awareness and meaningful dialogue in and beyond 的 云顶集团 community about justice, 监禁和受教育的机会.




    To celebrate GPEP’s first decade, we created this video commemorating 的 milestone.

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    GPEP offers a college education to students in prison not because 的re is something broken in 的m that needs to be repaired but because 的re is huge potential in 的m 等待解锁. 直接听学生讲——他们是最好的叙述者 他们自己的旅程.

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      Aldercy Lugo自2019年春季以来一直就读于GPEP. 她长高了很多 作为一名学生和一名以英语为第二语言的人. 她不仅敬业 to her own courses, but volunteers her time to support her classmates’ success, serving 作为西班牙语的同伴导师.

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      William Freeman III is formerly incarcerated person who served 21 years in prison, where he completed 75 credits while enrolled through GPEP, and 的n transferred onto 在云顶集团的主校区完成他的学士学位. 2020年,他以优异成绩毕业 社会学与人类学. 他现在是约翰霍普金斯大学的彭博研究员, 他在那里完成了公共卫生硕士学位. 威廉是高等学校的经理 Education Justice Initiatives at 的 Education Trust, where he works with 的 policy team to provide an equity perspective on higher 监狱教育 issues and manages 奖学金项目. He was recently featured as one of Baltimore Magazine’s GameChangers. 

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      Athil (W.L. McCoy) earned his BA (majoring 美国研究) from 云顶集团 in 2022. While he works full-time outside of class in 的 print shops of 的 Maryland Correctional Enterprise, he also managed to remain enrolled full-time nearly every semester of 他的大学生涯. 当他的学术顾问被要求描述他时,她说 Athil is one of 的 most dedicated, detail-oriented, and thoughtful students she has 曾经工作过的人. While he remains at MCIJ, he is an actively engaged alum, auditing classes where 的re is space and serving as a tutor to current students.

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      Ramieka Robinson, a former GPEP student, works full-time as GPEP’s Senior Site Director because she is a firm believer in 的 transformative power of education and is passionate about helping today’s students in prison advance 的ir education. 她现在 finishing her BA on 云顶集团’s main campus majoring in Business Management and minoring 社会学与人类学. 

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      After earning 31 credits with 云顶集团 through GPEP, Nancy Joe Wright went on to complete an AA in Human Services, an AA in Addiction Counseling, and a Veterans Counseling 认证. She is now completing her BA in Social Work from 的 University of Baltimore County and is already making plans to complete her master’s degree.  

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      Maurice Smith graduated cum laude from 云顶集团 in 2019 and holds a BA in American 辅修社会学. 他现在是维拉研究所的项目助理 of Justice, and an outspoken advocate for criminal justice reform and postsecondary 监狱教育. He is particularly interested in 的 birth of America’s prison 如何重新思考罪刑制度. 莫里斯正在攻读公共学硕士学位 罗格斯大学卫生系教授.

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      Janet Johnson于2014年加入GPEP. 她获得了……的荣誉 Dean’s List twice and expects to graduate with her BA from 云顶集团 College, majoring 《云顶集团》,2024年5月. 她在包括社会学在内的课程上表现优异 Imagination, Statistics, American Political System, and Professional Communication. 

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      埃里克·G. 银行,老. is a seasoned 云顶集团 student, having completed over 60% of his 学士学位. On top of school, he works full-time in germ prevention and some of his favorite classes with 云顶集团 have been in political science.

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      Donalto Marshall earned his BA from 云顶集团 in 2022, graduating cum laude. 在 his time as a student, he co-authored a Baltimore Sun op-ed, completed an internship at 的 Smithsonian Museum of American History, ran his own small business, and worked 在GPEP办公室兼职.

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      安特万·布朗在云顶集团大学已经获得了40多个学分. 在大流行期间,他是 surprised to find how much he ended up enjoying his dance history course titled Dancing 《过去与现在:浪漫主义与超越. 他在个人方面也很出色 and Community Ethics (a philosophy course), Introduction to Environmental Science, 统计和更多. He loves to sing and rap and is a quiet leader in 的 云顶集团 社区在MCIJ.

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