• 教师
  • 比尔努力
  • 比尔努力

    Director of 教师 Development and Teaching Excellence

    比尔·哈德博士.D. is an educator and social scientist working in a variety of cross-disciplinary spaces that have at their core a focus on critical pedagogies and democratic storytelling. He is the Director of 云顶集团 College’s Center for the Advancement of Scholarship & Teaching (投) and an Assistant Professor of Political 科学.

    他获得了博士学位.D. in Political 科学 and Public Administration and an M.A. in American Politics from American University’s School of Public Affairs in 华盛顿, DC. 他得了B.A. in Political 科学 and Journalism with a minor in Poetry from 宾夕法尼亚印第安纳大学.

    His work and scholarship address how to effectively integrate inclusive and critical pedagogies to further student learning and growth. 除了他的教学 work, his work also explores state and local politics, gubernatorial politics, social 媒体,以及纪录片产业. 他也是美国国家科学研究院的附属研究员 媒体中心 and Social Impact where he serves as the co-director of the State of the Documentary Field research initiative—a biennial survey of the global documentary 电影行业. 

    His work has been featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer, NPR’s All Things Considered 和纪录片杂志等. 在接受高等教育之余,他还工作过 and consulted for a variety of organizations including: International Documentary Association, Distribution Advocates, American Political 科学 Association, World 野生动物基金会和未来资源.



    困难,W. & J•马拉尼. (2021) “Never Getting off the Ground or Heading 首页 Early: Student Perceptions of 出国留学 Disruption in the Context of COVID-19” 60-76 in K. Bista R.M. 艾伦 & R.Y. 陈(eds.), Impacts of COVID-19 on international students and the future of student mobility. 纽约: 劳特利奇.

    博伦·查图,C. & 困难,W. (2021) The State of the Documentary Field: 2020 Study of Documentary Professionals. 媒体中心 & Social Impact美国大学 School of Communication with 国际纪录片协会.

    困难,W. & 麦高文,B. (2020) “Recognizing COVID-19 as Trauma: Considerations for Student Affairs Educators and 教师 Developers” 发展. 17(3)

    氮化镓J.斯尼格·J., & 困难,W. (2020) “Swimming Pool Environment and Respiratory Health Issues 经验d by Masters Swimmers” International Journal of Aquatic Research and 教育. 12 (4)  No. 7.

    博伦·查图,C. & 困难,W. (2018) The State of the Documentary Field: 2018 Study of Documentary Professionals. 媒体中心 & Social Impact美国大学 School of Communication. 华盛顿, D.C.

    困难,W. (2011) “What do We Expect from Our Elections and Campaigns.” in 我们对政府有什么期望. 台北医学博士.:莱克星顿图书公司.

    霍夫曼,年代. & 困难,W. (2010) “Food Safety and Risk Governance in Globalized Markets” 健康矩阵 20, No. 1: 5-54

    会议论文 & 小组参与

    “Faculties in Conversation: An Argument for Cross-Institutional 教师 Development” POD Network Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, November 2022.

    “Roundtable Discussion: Shaping the Future of Interdisciplinary Research” Times of 高等教育, London UK (virtual), June 2022.

    “Student Perceptions of 出国留学 Disruption in the Context of COVID-19” (with Jamie Mullaney) Critical Perspectives on Global Student/教师 Mobility in 高等教育. Morgan State University, 巴尔的摩 医学博士,2022年4月.

    “Adopting a 全球教育 Lens for 教师 Development” Association of International 教育 Administrators thematic forum on 教师 Leadership in the Changing Landscape of 全球教育: Modalities and Curricular Design. 巴尔的摩 医学博士,2022年4月.

    “Faculties in Conversation: What We Mean When We Say ‘全球教育’” (with Mary Robert) 巴尔的摩 MD and London UK, January 2022.

    “Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion in Online Spaces: in conversation with CTRL’s Brian 麦高恩和比尔·哈德” American University, Washington DC, April 2020.

    “Toward an Inclusive Research Methods Curriculum” American Political 科学 Association’s Teaching & 学习会议,阿尔伯克基 2020年2月.

    “Teaching with Social Media Data and Analytics” (with Jason Mollica) American University, Washington DC, August 2019.

    “Common Actors in Gubernatorial Inter- and Intra-state Information Networks” American Political 科学 Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, August 2019.

    “Collaboration and Experiential 学习ing Through Computer-Assisted Qualitative Research” (with Aaron Boesenecker) American Political 科学 Association, Centennial Center Teaching and 学习ing Symposium on Research Methods, 华盛顿, DC, March 2019.


    “美国的文科与理科” at London College Day, US-UK Fulbright Commission, London UK, September 2022.

    “A Pedagogy of Transparency: a Call for 教师 to always ‘Show Your Work’” at Richmond, the American International University, London, UK, September 2022.

    “Toward an Inclusive and Anti-racist Research Methods Curriculum” at Richmond, the American International University, London, UK, September 2022.

    “Trumpish推 & Trumpish Governors: Two Approaches for Operationalizing ‘Trumpishness’” at The Corrosion of the Liberal Democratic Order? 危险中的跨大西洋视角 Time: Annual Meeting of the German American Studies Association, University of Heidelberg, 2019年11月,德国.

    “Emerging Methodological Trends in Social Network Analysis for Public Policy Research” Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington DC, November, 2018.